A General Call to Remember Buddha

A General Call to Remember Buddha

Pure Land Teachings of Master Chu-Hung

The Amitabha Sutrasays:

If people are mindful of buddha, at death they are sure to be born in the Pure Land.

The Sixteen Contemplations Sutra (Meditation Sutra)says:

People in all categories who practice buddha-remembrance are born in the Pure Land.

Thus with this method of buddha-remembrance, it does not matter whether you are male or female or a monk or nun or layperson, it does not matter whether your social status is high or low, or whether you are virtuous or stupid.   As long as the singleminded [remembrance of buddha] is not confused, all categories of people will go to the Pure Land, according to how much they practice [buddha-remembrance]. So we know that there is not one person in the world unworthy of buddha-remembrance.
If people are rich and high ranking, receiving the use of  everything  ready-made,  they  should  practice buddha-remembrance.
If people are poor and destitute, with small families and  few  relations,  they  should  practice buddha-remembrance.
If people have children to remember them at their clan shrines, they should practice buddha-remembrance.
If people are childless, and live alone on their own, they should practice buddha-remembrance.
If people’s children are filial, so they are secure receiving  their  support,  they  should  practice buddha-remembrance.
If people’s children are rebellious, and feel no gratitude or love, they should practice buddha-remembrance.
If people are free from sickness, they should take advantage of their good health to practice buddha-remembrance.
If people are infirm, and closely pressed by impermanence, they should practice buddha-remembrance.
If people are old, and do not have much time left, they should practice buddha-remembrance.
If people are young in years, with spirit still pure and sharp, they should practice buddha remembrance.
If people are at leisure, without cares to trouble their minds, they should practice buddha-remembrance.
If people are busy, and can only steal a little free time from the press of business, they should practice buddha-remembrance.
If people have left home [to become monks or nuns], and wander free of outside material considerations, they should practice buddha-remembrance.
If people are living as householders, then knowing that [worldly life is as impermanent as] a house on fire, they should practice buddha-remembrance.
If people are intelligent, and clearly understand the Pure Land, they should practice buddha-remembrance.
If people are stupid and dull, and can do nothing else, they should practice buddha-remembrance.
If people maintain discipline, the discipline which is the  order  of the Buddha,  they  should practice buddha-remembrance.
If people read the sutras, the sutras which are the words of the Buddha, they should practice buddha-remembrance.
If people study Zen, Zen which is the mind of the Buddha, they should practice buddha-remembrance.
If people awaken to the Path, the awakening that must be witnessed by the Buddha, they should practice buddha-remembrance.

  I encourage all people everywhere as a matter of great urgency to practice buddha-remembrance. All categories of people will be born in the Pure Land:  the [lotus] flower will open and they will see Buddha. 
        Seeing the Buddha, hearing the Dharma, in the end they will become enlightened. Only then will they know that their own inherent mind was all along fundamentally Buddha. 

From: Pure Land Pure Mind
Translated by J.C. Cleary
Edited by Van Hien Study Group

Source: Pure Land, Pure Mind

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